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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Ten Reasons why assignment writing is pointless:

Posted by Unknown at 00:09 4 Comments

Assignments, the word alone is enough to give you a bad mood, and send waves of tension down your spine. Here are the ten reasons why assignmentwriting is pointless:
-       Students dislike assignments. In fact they dislike them so much that they turn towards plagiarism at one point or another during their academic course. And that results in less learning and more wastage of resources such as time.

-        Most assignments are nothing but line after line of repetitive words just written differently. It seems more like an assignment of vocabulary instead of whatever subject it is of. The only objective here is to complete the minimum word limit. And reaching that limit gives more sense of achievement then actually completing the assignment does.

-        Most students when given assignments for the first time are not at all used to writing detailed stuff. So it confuses them, and they, in turn, instead of spending the energy on learning new stuff, spend it on writing pointless essays that aren’t of any use to them or to their academics.

-        Not all students are the same. Some might not have interest in a subject. So when they are forced to write a long assignment on that particular subject, they might not be able to get a good score or grade. And that is completely unfair to them.

-        Some students might think of assignment writing as imposed or forced work load instead being a useful resource of learning. This might put them off from particular subjects or studying altogether.
-        Given the points above its safe to say that assignment writing wastes a lot of time. Students can spend multiple hours writing useless lines of words after words, all the while they can be doing something much more productive or personal.
-        Instead of wasting time making their pointless assignments, students can always have it done by assignment writing services. Gets the work done while saving precious time. Time that can be spent learning instead of figuring out new ways to reach minimum word limit.
-        Assignments are grade oriented approach to studies and course work instead of being results or learning oriented approach. This is not what academics are supposed to be. Academics are supposed to encourage learning, and educating self to gain knowledge. Not to spend countless hours on writing repetitive essays.
-        And because it’s a grade oriented approach, some students will be given bad grades. And bad grades are never a good motivator. They may cause the students to stop believing in themselves, and might even push them towards quitting academics altogether.

-        Speaking of grades, other than students, teachers or graders also find assignment writing to be a huge waste of time and resources. Instead of reading and marking long essays of reparative words and arguments, these teachers could be spending their time to create better course work or coming up with ideas to make the subject interesting for the students.


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